Zimbabwe: Regional SADC grouping to hold meeting on turmoil

By on November 16, 2017

Southern regional grouping Southern African Development Community (SADC) is meeting today (Thursday) in Botswana to discuss the political turmoil in Zimbabwe after the military took control of power and put Mugabe under house arrest.
Leaders of the grouping are gathering in Gaborone as the crisis enters into its second day.
South Africa said it was sending two ministers to meet up with the army which has confined 93-year old Mugabe under house arrest in capital Harare.
South African President Jacob Zuma Wednesday revealed that he spoke with the Zimbabwean leader who told him that he was safe.
The army early on Wednesday seized the national television announcing round-up of officials deemed “criminals” around the Mugabe.
“We are only targeting criminals around him who are committing crimes that are causing social and economic suffering in the country in order to bring them to justice.
As soon as we have accomplished our mission we expect that the situation will return to normalcy,” the military said in a statement.
Army took position at key government institutions with military vehicles visible in the capital.
Country’s foreign minister, Walter Mzembi known close to Mugabe confirmed Wednesday that he has been fugitive. He was out the country during the “coup”. Mzembi did not disclose his whereabouts but called for a peaceful settlement of the crisis.
“I trust that wisdom will prevail in the name of diplomacy to amicably end this crisis to the satisfaction of all.”
Three ministers; finance minister Ignatius Chombo and two other cabinet colleagues namely Jonathan Moyo and Saviour Kasukuwere, have been arrested by the army.
The first was reportedly found with $10m in cash at his Harare home.
The three plus Mzembi are affluent members of G-40 of Grace Mugabe, the First Lady who pushed for the sacking of Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa.
The G-40 is a faction of ruling Zanu-PF. It opposes replacement of Mugabe by a ruling party member with military background.
Mnangagwa who was country’s first defense ministry after independence in 1980 was axed last week over disloyalty to Mugabe. He enjoys the support of the army and is seen as the latter’s right man to replace Mugabe.

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