Zimbabwe: Army favorite Mnangagwa returns to take control of government

By on November 15, 2017


Emmerson Mnangagwa, sacked Vice-President has returned from self-imposed South Africa exile to take control government few hours after the army announced it controlled of key state institutions, unconfirmed reports say.
Mnangagwa, known as “crocodile” reportedly landed Manyame Air Force Base to take control of the country’s government.
He flew to South African last week following his sacking by the President Robert Mugabe who accused him of “disloyalty”.
The former Vice-President slid in row with Mugabe’s entourage, which also accused him of conspiracy to topple 93-year old President.
He was viewed next in line to replace by Mugabe when he retires. Mnangagwa, himself a former fighter, is the army’s pick in the Mugabe’s entourage in the power struggle within the ruling Zanu-PF.
The army early Wednesday seized power after a statement read by Major General SB Moyo, Chief of Staff Logistics on the national television said “We are only targeting criminals around him who are committing crimes that are causing social and economic suffering in the country in order to bring them to justice”.
The army also announced that President Mugabe and his family are “safe and sound”.
Unconfirmed reports say they been put under house arrest.
Military vehicles took position at government strategic institutions with reports noting the arrest of finance minister Ignatius Chomb. Chomb is member of ‘G-40’; faction within the Zanu-PF led by Grace, opposed to the influence of the veterans.
The Wednesday move came following an address on Monday by army top commander General Constantino Chiwenga who called for the immediate end to purge against party members with military backgrounds.
Opposition party, Movement for Democratic Change called on the army to ensure a peaceful return to constitutional democracy that will pave the way for the establishment of a stable, democratic and progressive nation state, reports say.





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