Morocco, US Discuss Promotion of Rights of People with Disabilities

By on March 24, 2022

Rabat – The promotion of the rights of people with disabilities was at the center of talks Wednesday in Rabat, between the Minister of Solidarity, Social Integration and Family, Aawatif Hayar and the U.S. special advisor on International Disability Rights, Sara Minkara.

This meeting was an opportunity to exchange experiences on the programs that could be subjects of partnership between the two countries for the benefit of people with special needs, as well as the various measures undertaken to facilitate the integration of this social category.

On this occasion, Hayar reviewed the various programs and strategies adopted by her department for people with disabilities, welcoming in this regard, the efforts made by other public institutions and partner associations, in terms of support for the education of children with disabilities, the promotion of vocational integration and income-generating activities, in addition to the organization of qualification sessions for the benefit of families for better communication.

She also recalled the programs of school and university integration, integrated education, social protection and integration through sport.

For her part, the American official stressed the importance of promoting the rights of people with disabilities, noting that his visit is meant to learn about the issues and mechanisms dedicated to this social category in the region.

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